Spiritual Gifts Welcome to your Spiritual Gifts 1. Does God regularly send you messages that always come true word for word? Yes. Click Here No. None 2. Do you regularly plant churches in new places? Yes. Click Here No. None 3. Do people regularly thank you for encouraging them to follow God's will? Yes. Click Here. No. None 4. Do people regularly pray with you to be born again? Yes. Click Here No None 5. Do you guard the flock of sheep around you? Yes. Click Here. No. None 6. Do you spend regular time studying the Bible? Yes. Click Here No. None 7. Do your regularly minister to those in need with cheerfulness? Yes. Click Here. No. None 8. Do you regularly overcome the physical illness of people while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Yes. Click Here. No. None 9. Do you regularly supply the needs of others with liberality? Yes. Click Here. No. None 10. Do you regularly and diligently labor to establish spiritual control among the flock? Yes. Click Here. No. None 11. Do you regularly identify the spirit actually at work in the people around you? Yes. Click Here. No. None 12. Do you regularly display conviction about things not seen and have assurance about the things you hope for in Jesus? Yes. Click Here. No. None 13. Do you regularly seek to meet the needs of others before your meet your own needs? Yes. Click Here No. None 14. Do you regularly display the ability to do powerful works for God? Yes. Click Here. No None 15. Do you regularly lay hold of people to help them achieve the will of God? Yes. Click Here. No. None 16. Do you regularly chart the spiritual course for people to avoid danger and arrive at God's intended destination? Yes. Click Here. No. None 17. Does God regularly inspire you to reveal things hidden in the past, but now made known? Yes. Click Here. No. None 18. Does God regularly inspire you to apply authoritatively the things previously hidden, but now made known by God? Yes. Click Here. No. None 19. Do you regularly speak in a known foreign language the things previously hidden, but now made known by God? Yes. Click Here. No. None 20. Do you regularly interpret for believers who speak in known foreign languages the things previously hidden, but now revealed by God? Yes. Click Here No. None Time's up